February 2009
A community letter to President Obama
Take a long look
Adopt your new puppy from the pound.
By the people of Centre County
at the regulations
Fire KBR and all contractors in Iraq and
“Follow through on
that are choking
elsewhere who serve our military. Make
Over the last two months, Voices asked
small businesses.
tax cuts for middle
those federal jobs once again and hire peo-
readers to develop a
“wish list” for
ple directly.
and lower classes
President Obama’s early days in office.
economy so that
Raise the bar higher than it has ever been
and tax increases
We’ve compiled the list here, removed the
we create more
for transparency and ethical conduct in gov-
redundancies and named the contributors
wealth at home
for wealthy.”
than we spend
Join the wise Alice Walker and learn from
President Obama, many of us heard your
the Dalai Lama.
inspiring inaugural address and from it take
Stop privatizing
Compost and grow squash and other veg-
confidence that you will act soon on many
and make the gov-
alternative fuels.
etables at the White House so your food
of these items. But we commend your atten-
ernment a good
We support you in building a clean ener-
does not travel thousands of miles from
tion to our list because some things we’ve
thing again by hiring workers at a good
gy future.
farm to plate.
not heard from you. So, from Central
wage to provide critical services. That way
Develop green jobs.
Pennsylvania to you President Obama,
elected officials once again become
Institute single payer healthcare.
here’s what Voices readers hope you’ll
accountable for the work.
Comprehensive sex education.
accomplish. We know we can expect a
Prosecute everyone from the top to the
Implement alternative energy.
phone call or e-mail from you asking for
bottom who benefitted illegally from the
Develop and maintain strict, well-regulat-
some help along the way, and we stand will-
Bush/Cheney administration.
ed environmental standards.
ing to help you move our land to live up to
Dramatically reduce prison populations.
Support small scale farmers and sustain-
the promise of the Founders and those who
Get back to real regulations for the airline
able agriculture.
industry so planes are safe, and put teeth
Reinforce Roe v. Wade and repeal the
back into the EPA and OSHA.
international gag order.
“Make student loans
Force the Deptartment of Defense to cut
Put enough money into social programs
affordable, accessible
costs and don’t bow to threats that it’ll hurt
that people can get a leg up instead of get-
the troops when the department wastes so
ting stuck.
and speedy. Make
much money.
Support equal pay and non-discrimina-
grants available.”
Tell your new Secretary of Defense
tion laws.
Robert Gates that his renewed push for
Legal civil unions for all; regard marriage
development and testing of new nuclear
as a religious institution only.
Madhu Suri Prakash
weapons in a Reliable Replacement
Add a sexual orientation protection
Heather Simmons
have carried on their heritage until now.
Warhead program will not be pursued in
clause in EEOC.
Natalie Ferrigno
End the war on Iraq and bring my broth-
your administration.
Stop the bailouts.
David Reinbold
ers and sisters home.
Regulate credit card companies.
Instead of bullying foreign nations, espe-
Art Goldschmidt
Disband the Royal Army of the United
Behave like the wise King Asoka of India
cially in developing areas, into cooperating
Ivana Lee
who saw the horrors of war and transformed
with U.S. imperial interests, engage in
Delia Guzman
Close Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) deten-
all of his arsenal into works of peace.
Suzan Erem
tion camp ASAP.
Regulate cell phone companies.
Mary Vollero
Instead of sending troops to Afghanistan
Bring back the fairness doctrine in media
Zac Tayler
(as you keep promising) redirect that money
Make college education affordable, lower
Laura Newcomer
alternative energy and
into social services here at home.
college tuitions.
Justin Eisinger
develop green jobs.”
End the arms race—stop selling weapon-
Make student loans affordable, accessible
Tamara Conrad
ry to the rest of the world so they can anni-
Ann Marie Toccket
hilate each other.
Make grants
meaningful negotiations and trade agree-
Bill Sharp
Pass the Employee Free Choice Act.
ments that justly compensate the home
Betsy Green
Restore the Bill of Rights and sign on to
Keep Social
Judy Heald
the International Conventions.
Security intact.
I want to see a leader who says he will
Bill Heald
Get us out of this recession. Fix this econ-
End the era
reach across the aisle actually reach across
Peter Shaw
of consump-
the aisle.
Phyllis Mansfield
Follow through on tax cuts for middle
You said you would listen to those who
Kristine Allen
and lower classes and tax increases for
which we have
disagree with you and that you would think
Readers: Do you have other ideas?
been waging
outside the box. Please don’t back down on
Take issue with any of these ideas? Write
Restore American manufacturing.
these wretched
this once the pressure from Washington
us a
250-word letter and send it to
Build strong technical schools and
oil and other
comes along.
[email protected]. We’ll get it into the
apprenticeship programs to support indus-
Stay connected with the people and keep
next issue, space permitting!
D e v e l o p
inspiring us with your words.

February 2009
SC school board should lead, not follow
Changing tech-
candidate must be interested in all aspects
by Donna Queeney
nology is a continu-
of the district, rather than in only one or two
...A viable candidate
If you believe that State College Area
ing and expensive
schools are a community asset worth sup-
Candidates who truly care about young
must be interested in all
porting and that community service is a
I n d i v i d u a l l y ,
people will be motivated to support the dis-
aspects of the district,
responsibility, it may be time for you to step
trict’s goal of providing each student,
up to the plate and run for school board. It’s
have no authority
regardless of needs or ability, with the best
rather than in only one
your opportunity to have a voice in the
beyond that of any
education possible. For some students the
or two issues.
future of our schools and of our young peo-
community mem-
education we provide can make the differ-
ber. However, board
ence between a meaningful life and mere
Challenges Facing State College
membership is an
and discussion, and to process that informa-
opportunity to have a role in preparing
While it’s important to listen to all con-
tion effectively. These skills will be appar-
State College is a statewide and national-
young people to be productive members of
stituencies, the board is elected to lead, not
ent through candidates’ comments on the
ly recognized leader in educational excel-
society and to lead healthy and fulfilling
to follow. Thus candidates should be pre-
issues, and will enable them, once elected,
lence. The challenge to maintain and
pared to make the right decisions, even if
to make informed decisions.
enhance this position has never been
Characteristics of Strong School Board
they are not always the popular decisions.
Candidates must recognize that the role
greater, with major issues including the fol-
A commitment to put the district’s wel-
of the board is to make good decisions,
lowing: Current budget constraints are
State College is a community that expects
fare and priorities ahead of personal inter-
establish appropriate policies, and hire
especially high, with difficult financial
and even demands quality education. What
ests is essential. Board members are elected
competent people to carry them out.
decisions ahead. Unlike many districts
characteristics define outstanding school
to represent the entire community, not sim-
Respect for the district structure is key.
across the state and nation, State College
board candidates who can respond to those
ply a segment thereof.
Because only the superintendent works for
Area School District certainly is not in
Successful candidates should consistently
the board, any suggestions or comments for
financial crisis, but the limitations loom
A commitment to supporting excellent
demonstrate positive interactive and com-
staff members are channeled through the
education is key. While balancing educa-
munication skills. Board members are
Many of our district facilities are in seri-
tional needs with economic reality is essen-
expected to model courteous and respectful
Should You Run for School Board?
ous need of renovation or replacement.
tial, the discussion should always begin
behavior toward school personnel, commu-
School board membership need not—in
Increasing numbers of students are com-
with what’s important for our students’
nity members, students, and colleagues.
ing to school with an ever-broadening range
Candidates should demonstrate their will-
of behavioral, emotional, and other needs
Because school board members must
ingness and ability to gather information on
see Lead , pg. 26
that require our schools’ attention.
grapple with a wide range of issues, a viable
issues through careful listening, reading,
Step forward for school board election
by Brenda Walsh
tion papers March 11
cross-section of
available at http://www.scasd.k12.pa.us/
—Last day for withdrawal by candidates
faculty members,
(There is often an
Leading up to the presidential inaugura-
who filed nomination petitions March 25
unacceptably long delay for meetings to
tion, President Obama seemed to be speak-
—Last day to register before the primary
and community rep-
appear on the Web site but C-NET contin-
ing to each of us in the State College Area
April 20
ues to broadcast school board meetings on
School District when he said,
“What is
—Primary (3rd Tuesday in May) May 19
Channel 98.)
required is a new declaration of independ-
Despite a contentious election in 2007,
September, 2008 to
The SCASD Web site provides DWFMP
ence, not just in our nation but in our own
the nine school board members have put it
information. (This site is monitored by the
lives, from ideology and small thinking,
all behind them and they have cooperative-
modifications need-
DeJong Group and the Web site often fails
prejudice and bigotry.” Alluding to
ly done what is best for the district. They
ed to support curric-
to link DWFMP documents in a timely
Lincoln’s first inaugural address, he called
have accomplished a lot; most notably the
ular needs.
fashion. But, the community has a responsi-
for “an appeal not to our easy instincts but
On Oct.
2008 a Resolution
bility to check frequently for updated infor-
to our better angels.”
The DeJong Group was hired to assist the
Committed to Sustainability and High
We are in search of “our better angels” to
school board in creating a new District -
Performance Schools was approved. All
Two Community Dialogues remain. Plan
step forward as candidates for the SCASD
Wide Facilities Master Plan
future school construction projects
to attend the meeting on Feb. 12 and a final
Board of School Directors. As in 2007, five
where a total of four community meetings
construction or renovations) will be
meeting (to be announced) in March.
school board position terms are up for elec-
will be held. (Another meeting will be held
designed to meet Silver Leadership in
The school board faces additional imme-
tion. It may not seem possible but the pri-
Feb.12, 2009 at Mt. Nittany Middle School
Energy and Environmental Design certifica-
diate challenges to hire a superintendent
mary election is right around the corner!
and the last meeting in March-date to be
tion. LEED certification provides long term
and an associate principal for curriculum
Important dates to remember—
benefits and minimizes impacts on the envi-
development at the high school. As the
Pennsylvania elections 2009
A steering committee comprised of a
ronment. Additionally, this construction
DWFMP process is completed the school
—First day to circulate and file nomina-
cross-section of 44 parents, students, com-
practice employs a completely different
board must assess the recommendations of
tion petitions Feb. 17
munity members, teachers etc. was appoint-
planning process that creates environments
the steering committee and gather and dis-
—Last day to circulate and file nomina-
ed in September, 2008.
that are energy efficient, healthy and com-
tion petitions March 10
A High School
see Election , pg. 26
—First day to circulate and file nomina-
Specifications Committee comprised of a
Streaming video of meetings was made

February 2009
We need to build sound local economies
by Bill Sharp
feel sympathy for
Governments at all levels depend on rev-
What would be the advantage of rebuilding
the nearly one in
enue from taxes on sales, income, and prop-
a local, wealth-creating economy? First, it
A great majority of Americans believe the
eight of the people
erty whose values are on the decline. We
would mean jobs. We need to rebuild our
country is not on the right track. Each
of the world who go
turn to the national government because
manufacturing, reopen factories and help
morning brings news of major industries,
to bed hungry at
that system can run up endless debts and
establish new ones that serve not just a
cities, states, universities, and employment
night, yet nearly the
print money.
global marketplace but rather focus on the
tanking. Wall Street may not have seen the
same proportion of
We have been promised change and hope.
needs of people within a local region.
bottom yet. Unemployment is at a thirty-
our own people lack
From where will the change we seek
Buying locally exerts a strong incentive for
year high. We learn that we have been in a
sufficient food. That
emerge? Do we wait and see or is there
quality products. It keeps money re-circu-
recession for a full year. Optimists are say-
is not the measure
something we can do? If we want to see
lating and reinvested in local initiatives. It
ing that if nothing else bad happens, we
of a healthy econo-
change, it really depends on us to make it
shortens supply chains, and that alone
might see the beginning of a recovery the
my. Meanwhile one in 100 of our adult cit-
happen in our own communities. Real
reduces carbon footprints. Many communi-
year after next.
izens is incarcerated and the list of those
wealth is created locally. For now let us
ties, like ours, are blessed with schools and
Each year hundreds of billions of dollars
with debilitating physical and mental prob-
think and act locally. If wealth was being
agencies that could help rebuild local busi-
are being permanently transferred from the
lems is growing fast. That we have hit the
created locally this growing disparity
lower into the upper income brackets. More
wall should come as no surprise.
should not occur. What we lack is balance.
A good example of strengthening local
and more wealth is held by a small minori-
The problem is not with credit and bor-
Times of change are times for reassess-
economies is the local foods movement.
ty. I am not opposed to wealth justly earned
rowing, or even with the wealth harvesting
ment. Our thinking should not be in terms
There is much fallow land that could be
but there is something hauntingly unnerving
of predatory interests, but with the very idea
of what others can do for us, but in terms of
converted into small farms and productive
about this trend.
of creating wealth. States, counties, cities,
what we can do for ourselves.
The economy and government affect our
towns and villages have joined the banks
I would like to make an appeal for the
individual and social health. We naturally
and automakers begging for bailouts.
ideal of rekindling strong local economies.
see Economy , pg. 26
Community can discuss science and religion
by Peter Buckland
that neither side can countenance talk with
ing. Certainly I have gotten a bit angry
each other. Right?
about disingenuous or misleading argu-
When Sarah Palin was nominated as John
Wrong. For the last nine months I have
The first forum I
ments. There is no way that I can reason-
McCain’s running mate, the culture war’s
been attending “Science and Religion” talks
attended covered
ably back down from the position that cre-
intensity escalated. Her overt conservative
at the State College Free Evangelical
the world of para-
ationism of all forms
- Young Earth or
Christianity inflamed the punditocracy, gar-
Church in State College. They have shown
sites in God’s cre-
Intelligent Design - is at best dead science.
nering some praise from Sean Hannity and
me that even the most opposed people can
ation. How can
As Sam Harris says, “Let’s call a spade a
some authors at the
“National Review”
civilly converse for hours and walk away
humans believe that
spade.” I do. But it does not necessitate ran-
while so-called liberal elites scorned her not
feeling satisfied, enlightened, and closer to
we are specially
just for her ignorance, but her embrace of
her/his fellow human beings. These conver-
created in the image
Former pastor Eric Tober, to his great
teaching scientific ignorance in the form of
sations have encompassed a breadth of reli-
of an omniscient,
credit, invited as much discussion as possi-
teaching creationism and questioning
gious and philosophical views from Biblical
omnibenevolent, omnipresent, and omnipo-
ble while eschewing dogmatic bromide as
whether industrialized nations have caused
literalists, to mainline Christians, a Taoist, a
tent God when liver flukes and malaria
the conclusion. Best of all, we all seem to
global warming.
Jew from time to time, at least one agnostic,
plague us and bring wretched suffering? For
really like one another. Some of us find lit-
She is not alone. Writers for conservative
and a few atheists, all of whom I believe are
the chemistry teacher and each of the other
tle to agree on regarding morality’s roots or
Christian media like
“World Net Daily”
searching for good ways to understand real-
believers at the forum, these were serious
humanity’s ultimate purpose, but we do
have undercut popular climate change
questions about the role of evil in God’s
agree that the people we converse with on
understanding, going so far as saying that
From my vantage point, it’s been easy to
these matters deserve kindness and dignity
“Holy Spirit discernment” shows that cli-
believe that creationists are contemptible
We have also discussed the soul, religion
and that the Golden Rule might be our
mate change science is all a hoax.
fools seeking to create an American
as an evolved phenomenon, the birth of
greatest moral aphorism.
In the world of evolution in the last year,
Christian caliphate and it is hard not to hold
information in DNA, and other seeming
When we sit down with our neighbors,
six state legislatures considered anti-evolu-
onto that view in light of Palin. But are they
imponderables. In some sense, we come
look them in the eye, and hash through how
tion measures for state science education
pure boogeymen enslaved by wish-think-
together to look for ways to know if we
and what they believe, they cannot be cari-
with Louisiana’s gaining Gov. Bobby
ing? I have to doubt it.
know anything at all.
catures to us anymore. By sharing ourselves
Jindal’s signature. The movie “Expelled”
One of the Science and Religion atten-
To my astonishment and great pleasure,
with each other, we create and maintain the
came out, claiming that without Darwin
dees is a chemistry teacher and an
thoughtful disagreements pop up not just
bonds of our communities. We are not gov-
there wouldn’t have been a Holocaust.
Evangelical. He is scientifically literate and
between non-believers and believers but
ernors of Alaska or members of the pundi-
Louisiana and Texas are both in further evo-
articulate about science and his own faith.
among ardent Evangelical believers them-
tocracy. We are neighbors.
lution fights as you read this.
His belief in Christianity lacks Pat
selves. They are as likely to cry
I believe Jesus said, “Love thy neighbor
“New atheist” bestsellers like Sam
Robertson’s rigid inflexibility. For him,
“Shenanigans!” on one another regarding
as thyself.”
Harris’ “The End of Faith” and Richard
faith is a search for salvation, that necessi-
some particular aspect of faith, theology, or
Dawkins’ “The God Delusion” have revived
tates patience and kindness, and that sub-
science as I am on the whole kit and kaboo-
Peter Buckland is a graduate student in
H.L. Mencken’s anti-religious vitriol.
jects itself, at least in part, to scientific
dle. Sometimes passions flare and we talk
Penn State’s Education Theory and Policy
The culture war is alive and well. It seems
inquiry. He does not shy away from the
over one another or can be overly disparag-

February 2009
site so we’re left to wonder. The communi-
ty must check the Web site frequently to
from Lead , pg. 24
from Election , pg. 24
We are in search of “our
read the entire report.
seminate information to the public related
Considering the state of the economy and
fact, should not—take a lot of time, for
better angels” to step
to cost-effective options and alternative
decreasing enrollment the school board
board members aren’t responsible for man-
forward as candidates
solutions for improving the educational
(and the community) should return to The
aging the day-to-day operation of the dis-
environment based on objective data, cur-
Sensible Solution, http://www.sensiblesolu-
for the SCASD Board of
trict. It does require a sincere desire to
riculum needs, examination of options and
tion.org. This incredible all-volunteer-effort
ensure that the district maintain the highest
School Directors.
public input.
has never been given the close scrutiny and
levels of education for our students.
Candidates for the Board of School
opportunity that it deserves. If small is best,
Beyond the opportunity to help guide our
Directors must also be prepared to fulfill
why stay large? How about making the high
district’s educational journey, the personal
these obligations if they are to win the con-
school north and high school south two sep-
satisfactions of board membership are
fidence of the community’s voters
arate, autonomous high schools of 1,200
enormous. Visiting schools and seeing
The high school questions remain.
students instead of holding onto one large
—Responsible spending that does not
engaged students and staff; celebrating the
On Jan. 16, 2009 the Centre Daily Times
high school?
depend on 4 percent real estate tax increas-
successes of our artists, athletes, journal-
reported on the steering committee meeting
In 2007, 89 percent of the voters voted for
es each year (the limit mandated by Act 1)
ists, and other students; and realizing that
at which DeJong provided a status report
change and asked for:
The “newbies” have embraced these cri-
we have prepared departing students to lead
and recommendations that included this
—Transparency (no anonymous, behind-
teria and the climate has changed. The
meaningful lives and contribute to society
“DeJong advised against a 2,400
the-scenes shenanigans)
school board has earned the community’s
are rewards that can’t be beat.
student building on either side of Westerly
—Open meetings
(no more closed
respect. A number of volunteers who have
Circulation of nominating petitions
Parkway because the site is unworkable.”
Citizen Advisory Committee meetings)
served on the steering committee and the
begins Feb. 17, and they must be submitted
What does that mean? The Steering
—Open records (still difficult to access
High School Educational Specifications
by March 11. Think about it. If you’re not
Committee Report (distributed at the Jan.
Committee have demonstrated skills that
the person to run, perhaps you can encour-
15, 2009 meeting) that included this state-
—Assessment of needs vs. wants through
could make them great candidates. There
age someone who might be.
ment was not posted on the SCASD Web
a transparent process
are angels among us who must be encour-
aged to step forward as candidates for the
Donna Queeney, currently serving her
ation, from either high school or the local
SCASD Board of School Directors in the
20th year on the State College Area School
from Economy , pg. 25
college, is not a going-away party but a rite
primary election.
Board, recently announced that she will not
of passage and transition of a new genera-
run for re-election. In 2002 Dr. Queeney
gardens. More of us should garden to raise
tion into perpetuating a community that is
Brenda Walsh is a retired teacher and a
retired from Penn State where she was
and share our own food. There is an ample
cherished by them alongside older genera-
grassroots-community activist in Patton
Director of Research and External
literature for cultivating small farms of up
Township and was involved with State High
Relations for Outreach and a professor of
to five acres that offer not only lifestyle
Admittedly, this vision is idealistic and
Vision from 2006-2007.
alternatives and additional income but
perhaps nostalgic. It would not be easy to
employment and self-sufficiency. Our local
achieve. Indeed the dream of sending men
agricultural college could gear up to train
and women to Mars is no great feat in com-
Whitey Blue: Feed the slots
people to build such farms, and locally-
parison with the challenge of rebuilding an
grown foods, farm products and practical
economy and community. Each community
by David M. Silverman
been in a place where they have slot
crafts would multiply.
must find its own way. There is no blue-
machines? You see all these little old ladies
There is also a large local arts and crafts
print. The model is not for everyone. There
I was talking the other day to Whitey
feeding their quarters into the slots, hour
industry. More of it could be devoted to
are endless opportunities for enterprising
Blue, long-time Centre Region resident and
after hour. I’m sure they are spending
practical, household crafts. There are hun-
individuals and groups. There are also
hard-nose. Whitey, do you have any
money they or their families need for food,
dreds of products that could be produced
daunting challenges. Such a program will
thoughts about slot machines being legal in
clothing and housing!
locally to feed the domestic demand. Cost
take strong leadership, a bright vision, a
Pennsylvania? They have been for several
“Hey, the state is not in the business of
could be higher but so too would be durabil-
common will, courage and perhaps a signif-
years now, but I don’t recall ever getting
criticizing people’s morals, their enjoy-
ity, reliability and pride of ownership.
icant degree of sacrifice. But if we can
your feelings about them.
ments or their spending habits. That’s a job
Perhaps the greatest advantage of rebuild-
dream of building a new home for people
“I think it’s great! Why should people
for their preachers.”
ing local economies is that it helps to rebuild
on Mars, why not of building a real commu-
who want to gamble have to go to Atlantic
What about people who go broke playing
local communities. People who trade with
nity where we live now?
City or Las Vegas? We need that money
the slots and can no longer afford rent or
each other get to know each other, support
How do we start it? The great anthropol-
here for road repairs and other state pro-
each other, come to the aid of neighbors in
ogist Margret Mead, who studied cultures
“They can move into the poorhouse, like
need, and take a stronger interest in self-gov-
all over the world, pointed out that not only
But many people who can’t afford to are
the needy have been doing for ages.
ernance. They retake control of their schools,
can small groups make great change but
playing those machines! Have you ever
transportation and communications infra-
indeed only small groups can start them.
structures, social security, and health care,
Winter is upon us. It is a time of reflec-
and become increasingly focused on a human
tion. A new national administration and leg-
You name it, you claim it
scale of life that brings not only prosperity
islature is convening in Washington.
but contentment, pride of place and dignity in
Perhaps we should send them a message:
Voices prints letters whose writers iden-
May God have mercy on your
belonging to a community.
We can, and we will, do it!
tify themselves and provide contact infor-
Communist souls while you rot in hell!
We can foresee the return of fairs and fes-
mation. We’re breaking our policy of not
Move to Cuba, or Venezuela, or
tivals and the celebration of holidays that
Bill Sharp is a retired teacher, planner
printing anonymous letters to bring you
Zimbabwe, or China, or Bolivia, or Iran, or
help give meaning to our lives and remem-
and manager in government, business and
this one.
Angola, or Pakistan, or Afghanistan, or
brance of those who built our legacy. We
higher education. He can be reached at
We hope the writer will claim authorship
Syria, or Saudi Arabia, or Uganda etc. if
could look forward to the day when gradu-
[email protected].
so we can inform our readers.
you hate capitalism so much.

February 2009
Campus and Culture from the
Canine Perspective
Dear Cosmo,
My friends recently got a rescue dog that
Believe it or not, they sell testicular
Dear Save Your Hope for Spare Change,
only has three legs. Do they make artificial
implants to flesh out the shriveled nutsacks
I experience joy daily. Critical doesn’t
legs for dogs? How would that work?
tional “wisdom” is to shoot a horse if it has
of those doggies who became castrati to
mean joyless…what a terribly Republican
Signed, Walkin’ The Dog
a broken leg. Fortunately for Molly, wisdom
sing in the boys’ choir but still want to look
way to frame things. I WAS, in fact,
outweighed convention. Her benefactors
well-rounded for the evening wear and
inspired by the inauguration festivities. My
Dear Lame Preoccupation,
modified an artificial human leg by putting
swimsuit competitions. Those would prob-
human normally leaves the TV on Comedy
I’ve seen lots of dogs and cats with three
a toilet plunger-shaped foot on the end of it,
ably be nice accessories for gelded public
Central, TNT or The Weather Channel to
legs. Actually, I’ve seen TONS of male dogs
and fitted the socket to her stump. It seems
officials and impotent policy makers who,
keep us company, but he left on the inaugu-
on three legs, and we usually go back and
to work fine, and the horse actually LIKES
sans huevos, waggle their flaccid dog and
ration instead. It was a joy being spared
forth a while to see who gets the last “word”
using it.
pony shows in the public spotlight.
another spate of old Scrubs reruns, endless
in nose graffiti on the tree, fence, fire
episodes of different Law & Order franchis-
hydrant or car tire.
People have weird standards when it
And if you’re the governor of Illinois,
es or the same forecast over and over for
comes to animals. They think nothing of
you’ll need to re-order another giant over-
eight hours…with “Local on the Eights”
Dogs and cats seem to adapt fine to hav-
cutting off tails, dew claws or parts of ears
sized pair to defend your original ballsy
every 10 minutes.
ing one less limb. Watch one when it has a
to make the dog “look right” for its breed,
move of auctioning off Senate seats.
sore foot or toe—it scampers around pretty
but they usually don’t replace the excised
But that dreck is still better than that
well on three legs. Bigger animals, on the
part with a tail toupee, a Lee Press-On
Dear Cosmo,
jihad-fearin’ Texan’s
“war on terrorism”
other foot, seem to need all four on the
thumb, or little Spock ears for denuded
Were you inspired by President Obama’s
and September 11 flashbacks. It was pure
floor. For instance, I have seen prosthetic
Boxers, Danes or Pit Bulls. Ironically
inauguration, or were you your normal
joy to see the “axis of evil” replaced with an
limbs on horses. Just Google “Meet Molly”
enough, for the show dog crowd, they actu-
intractable, unsympathetic, condescending
axiom of reason.
to see pictures of a thoroughbred horse res-
ally DO make prosthetics for certain
self? Was there any cause for joy that day
cued after Hurricane Katrina. The conven-
removed parts.
for you? Signed, Another Hope for Change
Mission accomplished.
torture will be regularized in U.S. gover-
End the torture now
nance. Our government and its agencies
Letters to the editor
Our community has held a Guantanamo
will have effectively gained the ability to
Bay vigil, emailed, called, written letters,
declare any person outside the protection of
be penalized for not being aware of the dif-
signed petitions and visited legislators.
the law.
Rip-off bank policies
ferent policies at each bank. I understand
Now a group of ex-generals is urging
Please contact the president to say we
With over 40,000 students at Penn State,
that the information is available at the M&T;
Obama to take action on the torture issue
I realize the need for more banks. With the
Bank, so consumers should be sure to read
and it is my hope that we will add our voice
—A Presidential Executive Order ban-
recent economic downturn it seems that
the fine print and not overlook it. It seems
to theirs once again.
ning torture;
banks have doubled their fees. The con-
that a lot more financial institutions are
We cannot allow the United States, the
—The codification of the elements of an
sumers are charged as much as $37 for fees
going to be increasing their fees to cover the
self-proclaimed bastion of freedom and jus-
Executive Order into law;
which used to be $18.
economic crisis or need for additional rev-
tice, to move torture from being an outra-
—A Select Committee of Congress or a
Recently I made a deposit on Nov. 28,
enue to invest. Don’t be a victim by not
geous aberration to being an acceptable
commission to investigate torture policies
2008 on a Virginia check from my brother’s
reading the fine print on bank deposits,
practice. We cannot allow our nation to
and practices since 9/11;
bank, Wachovia. After the deposit I wrote
charges and withdrawals. Try to find a
make this torture transition. We cannot
—Growing the moral consensus that tor-
several checks and made transactions and
friendly local bank that explains these poli-
allow those who created and managed the
ture is always wrong.
found out that $37 fee was charged for each
cies in advance. I don’t know whether it’s
torture system to achieve impunity nor can
Go to change.gov/page/content/contact.
transaction after Nov. 28, 2008 and was told
need or greed for banks to charge such
we allow these past practices to set a prece-
Brenda Black
the Nov. 28, 2008 deposit was not available
excessive fees but the poor get poorer and
dent. If the torture transition comes to pass,
State College
to the bank until Dec. 4, 2008 which caused
the rich get richer and you can see why.
the overdrafts.
The more you have the more you get and
Don’t wait for leaders in Washington to act
How long does it take for a deposit to
the less you have the more you need your
What does the
“Bail-out” mean?
wrong with those fundamentals: 65 percent
clear? It was not clear whether the deposit
monthly stipends. It’s a case of those that
“TARP:” Sounds like a “cover”-up for “cor-
of new businesses fail. And now they have
was available in two days or four days.
have less pay more and those with more pay
porate welfare.” Wall Street is forgiven its
to do it without easy loaned capital for the
Consumers should know in advance what
less. Stay on top of business practices and
transgressions and Main Street is still
start-up. Should we as a community turn to
the bank policy is for cashing out-of-town
don’t become a victim.
each other as Chris Uhl and Sue Erem (and
checks. People on retirement, unemploy-
Andrew Jackson
Are we to continue to wait for a leader or
others) have suggested in the December
ment, Social Security or fixed income may
State College
Washington to help us? We are the ones we
have been waiting for. Washington is still
How do we go about it? Let’s start talking
waiting for new small businesses to employ
together, here in this community.
Send your letters to [email protected]
all the laid off workers. There is something
Kevin Handwerk

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